cyanide and happiness

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
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Saturday, February 20, 2010

the easiest prey - a captive unaware - Breaking Free

he has the amazing ability to always let me down

he'd get angry.

i must be incredibly dense it took me too long to realize he is an alcolholic

he'd throw things and he'd hit things and he'd hurt us

the whole time i tried to figure out

what was i doing to make him that way

what mistake did i make

how did i somehow hurt him to make him act that way.

now i have some distance from that madness

the one thing i can see now, that i couldn't see before.

it wasn't me, it was him.

it wasnt me, i was not the reason he would drink

i am not the reason he would get angry.

i am not the reason he would hurt me and hurt others

i was alright before

i will be alright again

every man has got his breaking point

the click he hears

i fear we're in the dark before the dawn.

before i heard the promises

long before this, i shook the Hand of Grace


Anna said...


I came accross your blog when I was looking for the song the lyrics of which are in this post. Do you maybe know its title?
Please, I've been looking for it for ages!

pamjean48818 said...

Believe it or not. i got this from an episode of Felicity. Ben was talking about his father. It was sooo relevant to a relationship i was in at the time...that had ended. i heard the song and tried to catch the lyrics...still do not know the title.